

Precedent is the first company in Minsk to offer its customers a full range of accounting services, as well as legal and auditing of business.

Accounting Services

The company Precedent provides full or partial accounting services:

  • for representative offices of foreign companies which either carry out or don’t carry out business activities in the Republic of Belarus;
  • for commercial organizations of all forms of ownership registered in the Republic of Belarus.

Accounting services provided by our company:

  1. Statement of accounting.
  2. Restoration of accounting.
  3. Bookkeeping.
  4. Formation of accounting policy.
  5. Calculation of the optimal tax burden.
  6. Formation of statutory accounting and tax reporting.
  7. Calculation and payroll of wages and preparation of wage reports. HR outsourcing.
  8. Submission of reports to tax authorities, social insurance agencies and statistics agencies.
  9. Protection of reporting before the supervisory authorities.
  10. Advising on all issues related to accounting and taxation.
  11. Working with the bank.

And other accounting services.

Please note that the amount of provided accounting services is based on the needs of each individual client:

  • many companies use a full service on accounting (complete outsourcing);
  • some of our customers prefer to keep their primary documentation on their own(partial outsourcing);
  • for a number of our customers, the key factor to work with us is tax accounting and submission of reports to the tax authorities.

So, the first thing we do is decide which processes you want to delegate to us, based on the individual needs of your business. After that, you will be offered a flow sheet of accounting services with a determined cost of work.